關鍵詞:僅為你作 共鳴 AnhourlongspecialthatcombinesdocumentaryfootageofJermaineCole 對話 堅韌 強權 種族
一部一小時長特別片,由傑曼科爾從美國中西部到南部的旅行經歷中所產生的個人或政治共鳴的影像記錄所組成,同時片中JK的說唱歌曲也成為了一場關於黑人種族在白人強權世界中堅韌與自尊的宏大對話。 An hourlong special that combines documentary footage of Jermaine Cole's travels to various cities through the Midwest and the South that have personal or political resonance for him with in situ mus 一部一小時長特別片,由傑曼科爾從美國中西部到南部的旅行經歷中所產生的個人或政治共鳴的影像記錄所組成,同時片中JK的說唱歌曲也成為了一場關於黑人種族在白人強權世界中堅韌與自尊的宏大對話。 An hourlong special that combines documentary footage of Jermaine Cole's travels to various cities through the Midwest and the South that have personal or political resonance for him with in situ music videos that locate Jermaine Cole's songs as part of a larger conversation about black resilience and dignity under the conditions of white supremacy.詳情