Blue Mountain State is an American comedy series that premiered on Spike on January 11, 2010. The series producers include Chris Romano and Eric Falconer, and it is produced by Lionsgate Television. The series is about a fictional university, Blue Mountain State, and its football team, "TheBlue Mountain State is an American comedy series that premiered on Spike on January 11, 2010. The series producers include Chris Romano and Eric Falconer, and it is produced by Lionsgate Television. The series is about a fictional university, Blue Mountain State, and its football team, "The Mountain Goats." It portrays certain aspects of American university life, including football, sex, binge drinking, drugs, wild partying, and hazing. On February 20, 2012, it was reported that Blue Mountain State would not be renewed for a fourth season詳情
文峰 羅伯特·帕特里克 海倫娜·馬特森 Shani Rigsbee 薩賓娜·加德克奇 張玉英 Erica Muñoz Marc Winnick 保羅·薩維奇 Darlenis Duran Alan Tafoya Zak Lee Daniel L. Rivera Mo Anouti Abraham Justice Ayhan Tongadur Eric Marinho Ross Campbell Mico Saad McKay Stewart
蘇利芒·西爾·薩瓦內 Red West Diana Franco Galindo Lane 'Roc' Williams Mamadou Lam Carmen Leyva Peter N. Anyieth Jim Babel Sarah S. Brooks Lasheka Brown Neill Fleeman Jamill 'Peaches' Fowler Evelia Garcia 克里斯·格林 Viktor Hernandez