主演:奧利維亞·王爾德 海雷·韋伯 Tariq·Trotter 達什·米霍克 索瑞·安達斯魯 普路特·泰勒·文斯 Kyle·McCaffrey 威廉·卡尼亞 尼克·斯塔爾 Carl·Clemons 丹尼爾·弗蘭澤茲 Brian·Alley D.W.布朗 Lucia·M.·Aguirre
Allen Meneric is committed to a psychiatric institution for the criminally insane because of a brutal revenge murder. There he is forced to deal with the very ill and the dangerous until, as part of a socialization program, he is transferred to minimum security where he meets Mia, a beautiful bipola詳情