柏林電影節論壇單元 An immersion into the rich landscapes of Sable Island and the life of Zoe Lucas, a naturalist and environmentalist who has lived over 40 years on this remote strip of sand. 柏林電影節論壇單元 An immersion into the rich landscapes of Sable Island and the life of Zoe Lucas, a naturalist and environmentalist who has lived over 40 years on this remote strip of sand.詳情
賀軍翔 Mike Ha 邱勝翊 Prince Chiu 徐謀俊 Muji Hsu 錢薇娟 Rosa Chien 楊奇煜 王品澔 Boris Wang 黃沐妍 林穎樂 Nina 李芷婷 吳霏 蔡玓彤 無尊 昝依甯 陳勢安 江宏傑 林思宇 胡釋安 Shawn Hu 胡祖薇 Zoe Hu 艾薇 Ivy 徐新洋 焦曼婷 王庭勻 林昀希 坂本宗華