主演:柯克·鮑茲 斯科特·科菲 米蓋爾·弗爾 菲利普·貝克·霍爾 Michael Harris
關鍵詞:香菸與咖啡 &amp most into Eight&amp Hard film
A major portion of "Cigarettes and Coffee" was later adapted, expanded and basically re-made into p.t. Anderson's first feature film, "Hard Eight". The most interesting part of "Cigarettes" was later used as the first scene for "A major portion of "Cigarettes and Coffee" was later adapted, expanded and basically re-made into p.t. Anderson's first feature film, "Hard Eight". The most interesting part of "Cigarettes" was later used as the first scene for "Hard Eight"--in both Phillip Baker Hall's character interrogates a young drifter in a roadside diner and explains a few things about life and the art o...詳情